Sydney Line Marking is a division of Premier Workplace Solutions (PWS). PWS was established in 2002 and is an Australian owned and operated business. PWS offers our clients a broad range of solutions - including bollards, speed humps, wheel stops, line marking, height clearance bars, barriers, railings, tactile and non-slip products, PPE products, hazchem handling and spill containment products.
Our clients come from across a number of key industries including mining, warehousing, logistics, transport, property management, retail and many more. Our friendly, individualised service ensures that we provide the best possible solution to your needs
We're aware of the difficulty in closing down areas of workplaces or car parks during business hours so we're available for work 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Our Mission Statement:
PWS works in partnership with you, to achieve safer environments for your staff, customers and visitors.
Our knowledgable and motivated staff are easy to do business with, apply the principles of fair exchange and create an experience of simple helpfullness.